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 Here at Rhode Island Fair Elections and Education we believe that the lack of transparency in our election process is
a threat to national security and has led to doubt in the system we have trusted to make our voices 
as free citizens heard. This is in no way a reason to not vote in fact its the opposite.
How many of those who read this are tired of infringement on many of your constitutional rights, high inflation, 
 government over reach in schools and medical freedom, and the threat of war?
These are a few things to touch on when we say that ELECTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES.
If we are to be successful in anything we are currently fighting we must understand the depth of the corruption when 
it comes to elections because without free and fair elections we WILL NOT win any battle against those who set the laws
 that they themselves do not follow or even understand.
This is a call to all citizens to learn the ends and outs of the election process as well as the way legislation is written 
and implemented to conduct said elections.Now more than ever is the time to become involved in your election processes
 whether it is by becoming a poll worker, poll watcher, helping candidates, working on election integrity, or even 
running for office.  These may seem like daunting tasks but that is why we are here to help!
We truly believe this is a battle to end all battles and together we can all get back to our God given freedoms 
through natural law under the constitution.